Author Archives: Tjaden

2019 October Chapter Meeting

Wednesday October 23, 2019
Dinner Meeting with Ethics Training

Tenative Schedule
4:30-5:00 – Registration and Check In
5:00-6:00 – Social/Networking
6:00-6:30 – Dinner
6:00-6:15 – ASHRAE Updates
6:15-8:15 – Presentation
8:15-8:30 – Additional Social/Networking

Hyperion Field Club
7390 NW Beaver Drive, Johnston, IA 50131

Professional Ethics for Licensed Engineers

To ensure the public’s safety, the Iowa Code defines the importance and expectation of ethical behavior for licensed engineers and land surveyors. Attend this interactive presentation to learn about behaving ethically and professionally in a business context, the principles behind ethical decision making and putting ethics into practice as a licensed engineer.  This two-hour presentation will satisfy the State of Iowa’s PDH Professional Ethics requirement.

Rita Perea

Rita is an international speaker, best-selling author, executive coach, and talent development trainer. She is preparing to celebrate her 20th year as Founder and CEO of Rita Perea Leadership Consulting, Inc.

An experienced executive herself, she has helped business owners, leaders and professionals of all types reach their next level of success and become the highest version of their best selves so that they—and their teams—can thrive in the workplace. Her Iowa-based corporate clients have included Shive-Hattery Architecture + Engineering, Principal Financial Global Investors, Nationwide Insurance, Kemin International, and Meredith Publishing Corporation. Rita’s online Professional Ethics for Engineers and Land Surveyors PDH courses can be found at the

Rita can be reached at

ASHRAE Iowa members – $50
Non-ASHRAE Iowa members – $100
Students – TBD

Social Sponsor

Please register online (when it opens) if you are attending.

Links for related information (when available):
October IowaStalks Newsletter – pdfweb

2019 YEA Rival Week Park Party

Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 5:30-7:30 PM

Fairmeadows Park, 543 22nd Street, West Des Moines, IA 50265

Join fellow Young Engineers in ASHRAE at Fairmeadows Park to enjoy tailgating, yard games, sand volleyball, and enjoy some food and drinks.  Bring a friend, lawn chairs and your team colors!

Registration will be capped at the first 50 YEA Members or students to sign up online!

2019 Fall Frolic Golf Outing

Tuesday August 27, 2019 – 11:00 am Shotgun Start – NOTE EARLIER START TIME!

4-Person Best Ball Tournament
Dinner to follow right after Golf
Door, Pin Event and Place Prizes after dinner

Tournament Club of Iowa

1000 Tradition Drive
Polk City, IA 50226

$65 – 18-holes – 1/2-cart
$35 – dinner
$5 – mulligans

NOTE:  You may bring cash or use a credit card at the clubhouse and on the course.  There will be ample opportunities before the event to stock your cart – cooler included – as well as on the course.

Be a Sponsor for the event!

You can sponsor during your golf team registration or right now.  The earlier you sponsor, the more publicity you will get.  See below for sponsorship levels and our sponsors.

  • Silver – $100 – gets you a color sign at a tee box of one of the holes
  • Gold – $250 – also gets your name on a sponsorship list at the prize table and sponsors a pin event
  • Platinum – $500 – also gets your name at the registration table and sponsors the main door prizes

(Sponsorship registration will end at the start of the event!)

Register a team online and pay through our secure payment system or mail a check to:

ASHRAE Golf c/o Hart-Hammer, Inc.
ATTN: Jeff Hammer
529 Elm St. – PO Box 65517
West Des Moines, IA 50265

See the flyer for all of the information in a printable version (just don’t mail it in!  Register online!)

Golf and dinner Registration Closes August 20th (or when we reach maximum capacity).

  • Payment MUST be made prior to registration closing or your spot may be given to next team on the waitlist.
  • NEW – You must register online – you can mail/deliver a check, just make sure it’s in by the deadline!

If you have troubles with the registration site, contact Jason Kems or Jeff Hammer for help.

A BIG Thank You to our Fall Frolic 2019 Sponsors:

Platinum – $500 (limit 4)

Gold – $250
Setpoint Mechanical Solutions
Systems Management & Balancing, Inc.
DPT Mechanical
Bell Brothers Heating & AC, Inc.
AJ Allen
Central Sales, Inc.

Silver – $100
The Waldinger Corporation
Data Power Technology
Woodman Controls Company
Millennium Technology of Iowa
Hart-Hammer, Inc.
Bluestone Engineering
VHF Sales, Inc.
Rist & Associates
Hydronic Energy

August/September IowaStalks Newsletter – pdf – html

2019 ASHRAE Community Sustainability Project – Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity

ASHRAE Community Sustainability Project – Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity

For more information see the flyer.

Date: Friday, June 7th

Time: 8:00 to 11:30 AM


Below is a sign up link for all volunteers coming out with us. Each individual planning on coming out should sign up by Wednesday, May 29th. This is when we’ll shutdown the sign-up to allow Habitat for Humanity’s construction managers to accurately plan their week and our team’s tasks. On Friday, May 31st, those who registered will receive an email with the site location, what to wear, and other important information.


Habitat for Humanity Registration Link

2019 Spring Fling Golf Outing

Thursday May 9th, 2019 – 1:00 pm Shotgun Start – NOTE START TIME!

4-Person Best Ball Tournament
Dinner to follow right after Golf
Door, Pin Event and Place Prizes after dinner

Echo Valley Country Club

3150 Echo Valley Road
Norwalk, IA 50211

$85 – 18-holes – 1/2-cart
$45 – dinner
$5 – mulligans

NOTE:  You may bring cash or use a credit card at the clubhouse and on the course.  There will be ample opportunities before the event to stock your cart – cooler included – as well as on the course.

Be a Sponsor for the event!

You can sponsor during your golf team registration or right now.  The earlier you sponsor, the more publicity you will get.  See below for sponsorship levels and our sponsors.

  • Silver – $100 – gets you a color sign at a tee box of one of the holes
  • Gold – $250 – also gets your name on a sponsorship list at the prize table and sponsors a pin event
  • Platinum – $500 – also gets your name at the registration table and sponsors the main door prizes

(Sponsorship registration too!)

Register a team online and pay through our secure payment system or mail a check to:

ASHRAE Golf c/o Hart-Hammer, Inc.
ATTN: Jeff Hammer
529 Elm St. – PO Box 65517
West Des Moines, IA 50265

See the flyer for all of the information in a printable version (just don’t mail it in!  Register online!)

Golf and dinner Registration Closes May 2nd (or when we reach maximum capacity).

  • Payment MUST be made prior to registration closing or your spot may be given to next team on the waitlist.
  • You must register online – you can mail/deliver a check, just make sure it’s in by the deadline!

If you have troubles with the registration site, contact Jason Kems or Jeff Hammer for help.

A BIG Thank You to our Spring Fling 2019 Sponsors:

Platinum – $500 (limit 4)
<Your name here>

Gold – $250
A.J. Allen Mechanical Contractors, Inc.

Silver – $100
Mechanical Sales, Inc.
Sheet Metal Contractors of Iowa – Central Iowa Chapter
Mitsubishi Electric Trane US
DPT Group (Data Power Technology)
Central Sales, Inc.
Johnson Controls
Hydronic Energy, Inc.
Millennium Technology of Iowa
Hart Hammer, Inc.
Bell Brothers Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
VHF Sales, Inc.
Woodman Controls Company
Systems Management & Balancing, Inc.
Dahl Air Conditioning and Heating, LLC
Rist and Associates, Inc
The Waldinger Corporation
The Filter Shop
Lennox Industries

May IowaStalks Newsletter – pdfweb

2019 April Bowling Tournament

When – What

Tuesday April 23, 2019

  • 5:00 pm – Announcements and Presentations
    • Luke Miller will present his history project
    • Tim Conrad will speak on Membership Promotion
    • Michael Gustafson & Ted Gerber will speak on Research Promotion
  • 5:30 Bowling Tournament
    • 2-game singles bowling tournament with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in both YEA and Regular member divisions.
  • YEA Event in conjunction with the Chapter event
    • Pizza will be provided by the Chapter and 2 drink tickets will be provided by Trane Iowa


Val Lanes
100 Ashworth Rd.
West Des Moines, IA 50265


Bowling Tournament!


Free for ASHRAE Iowa Members and ISU Student Chapter members

Social Sponsor

Trane Iowa


Registration is open now – it will close on April 22nd at Noon so we can get lanes reserved. Please register if you are coming so we know how many lanes to reserve.

Please register online if you are attending.

Links for related information (when available):

April IowaStalks Newsletter – pdfhtml


YEA Operating Room Arcade Outing

Monday, March 18th, 2019 5:30-7:30 PM

The Operating Room 5515 Mills Civic Parkway, Suite 130, West Des Moines, IA 50266

Join fellow Young Engineers in ASHRAE at The Operating Room.  Play arcade games, enjoy some snacks and drinks, and socalize after a Monday back to the grind.

Registration will be capped at the first 30 YEA Members or students to sign up online!

2019 March “Supertech” Meeting


Wednesday March 20, 2019

  • 1:00 – 1:30: Registration
  • 1:30 – 2:30: Session #1 – ASHRAE Standard 189.1 and the International Green Construction Code
  • 2:30 – 2:45: Break
  • 2:45 – 3:45: Session #2 – CO2 Monitoring for Outdoor Airflow and Demand-Controlled Ventilation
  • 3:45 – 4:00: Break
  • 4:00 – 5:00: Session #3 – Thermal Comfort as Related to Energy Consumption: What is the Balance
  • 5:00 – 6:00: Social Hour


Marriott Downtown Des Moines
700 Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50309



Tom Lawrence, Ph.D., P.E.
University of Georgia

Session #1 – ASHRAE Standard 189.1 and the International Green Construction Code

ASHRAE, in conjunction with the U.S. Green Building Council and the Illumination Engineers Society, developed Standard 189.1 for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings with the initial release occurring in 2010.  The Standard provides the minimum requirements for a high-performance green building, and was developed with the intent to provide a balance of environmental factors involved with designing, building, and planning for the operation of buildings.  Since the initial release, the Standard has continually evolved as a result of changes in the industry and in relation to other Standards such as 90.1 This session provides a detailed summary of the key changes that are being incorporated in the release of the 2017 version of Standard 189.1 and how this Standard will relate to the International Green Construction Code with the 2018 code cycles revisions.

Session #2 – CO2 Monitoring for Outdoor Airflow and Demand-Controlled Ventilation

A number of programs and standards that exist for buildings today specify the use of outdoor air monitoring.  Monitoring is to be done either based on CO2 levels in the occupied space or actual measurement of outdoor airflow, depending on the space design occupancy and ventilation type (mechanical or natural).  Current standards or program descriptions do not provide detailed guidance for determining what level of CO2 should be considered the maximum concentration to expect, and those that do provide guidance are generally based on a single value above the ambient concentration.  This session describes how to determine a level for CO2 concentrations for an outdoor airflow monitoring program or as part of the upper control limit for a demand-controlled ventilation system.

Session #3 – Thermal Comfort as Related to Energy Consumption: What is the Balance?

Maintaining thermal comfort within an occupied building requires energy, thus optimized solution methods for balancing energy use with indoor environmental quality (adequate thermal comfort, lighting, etc.) are needed. Current building temperature control systems do not adequately take in account the adaptive capability of the occupants, but this concept can be used advantageously during implementation of demand response. Demand response programs commonly include temporary adjustments to space temperature set points and thus can affect the occupants’ thermal comfort perceptions. How to balance out the overall energy consumption and peak demand for cooling or heating within buildings with the need for maintaining adequate thermal comfort in the built environment is an issue important to system designers, building operators and society as a whole. This session provides an overview of the historical development of thermal comfort perception, the two primary approaches used to predict and evaluate thermal comfort, and how these are incorporated in ASHRAE Standard 55. Also covered is a discussion of how thermal comfort considerations can be factored into demand response measures, addressing the conflicting balance between energy consumption and thermal comfort, and a vision on how to possibly achieve an overall optimized balance.

Each Session is worth 1 PDH.


Free for ASHRAE Iowa members
$20 per session for non-members

Social Sponsor



Registration is open now – it will close on March 13th.  Please note, when you register, you need to register for each session you plan on attending.  You can not just sign up for one and assume you will go to all three.  We need to make sure we have accurate counts to make sure we have room capacity.

Please register online if you are attending.

Links for related information (when available):

March IowaStalks Newsletter – pdfhtml

Sign In Sheets
Session #1
Session #2
Session #3

ASHRAE Standard 189.1 and the International Green Construction Code
CO2 Monitoring for Outdoor Airflow and Demand-Controlled Ventilation
Thermal Comfort as Related to Energy Consumption: What is the Balance?

2019 February Chapter Meeting – Refrigeration Tour


Tuesday February 12, 2019
• 5:30 – Hy-Vee Commissary Facility Tour
• 6:30 – ASHRAE Dinner & Chapter Meeting at Jethro’s Lake House


Hy-Vee Commissary Facility
4500 SE Delaware
Ankeny, IA 50021

See link Map for entrance & parking.   Enter at the NE corner straight across from Mills Fleet Farm. Turn west at the fleet farm stop light.

Jethro’s Lake House
1425 SW Vintage Parkway
Ankeny, IA 50023


Every tour attendee must pre-register.  Facility security needs everyone’s name, in order to go on the tour.  If anyone attends that has not pre-registered, they will need a photo ID and will have to check in at the guard shack.


Tour is of Hy-Vee’s ready to eat food production facility used to support their retail operation.

Refrigeration System:

The ammonia system is a central single stage system.  There currently is one suction pressure with provisions in place for the future addition of a second lower suction pressure.  There are (3) ammonia screw compressors with each having a capacity of 430TR at design conditions.  There are (2) evaporative condensers with each having a capacity of 8,931,000 BTUH of heat rejection.  The ammonia is pumped to the equipment in the facility by ammonia pumps connected to the HT Recirculator Vessel.  All the ceiling hung evaporators in the refrigerated space utilize recirculated liquid ammonia and hot gas defrost with the exception of the +55F Rooms which utilize direct expansion and air defrost.  There are (5) Critical Process Make-up Air Units located on the roof that serve the production areas.  The unit serving the HMR Production Room has a dessicant section designed to aid in the dehumidification of the room.  The -10F Freezers are served by R448a split systems due to there currently not being enough load to justify the installation of a low pressure ammonia system to service this area.  There is a central computerized control system that provides control and monitoring of all the refrigeration equipment.

Steam – (2) 40 HP horizontal firetube steam boilers. The boilers have an operating pressure of 120 psig. The boilers have (1) blowdown separator and (1) chemical feed system. The boilers serve kitchen equipment (including Wok, Brat Pan, Kettle, Flame Grill, etc.)

Hot Water – (2) 200 GPM gas fired water heaters with a 3,000 gallon hot water storage tank. The water heaters serve approximately (50) hose stations for sanitization and other hot water needs throughout the facility (sinks, restrooms, breakrooms, etc.).

Compressed Air – (2) 292 SCFM Oil Free air compressors. The air compressors have an operating pressure of 125 psig. There are (2) desiccant air dryers and (2) 1550 gallon air receiver tanks. The air compressors serve approximately (50) hose stations for sanitization and other process equipment.

Misc HVAC – Other than the refrigeration, the rest of the facility is served by roof top units, make-up air units, split systems and gas-fired unit heaters. The facility has (5) kitchen hoods in the HMR & R&D Kitchens.


Free for ASHRAE Iowa members
$20 for non-members
Always free for students

Social Sponsor

Hart Hammer


Registration is open now – it will close end of the day February 6th so we can get food counts turned in.

Please register online if you are attending.

Links for related information (when available):

February IowaStalks Newsletter – pdf html

Sheets – TourMeeting

2019 January Chapter Meeting


Wednesday January 23, 2019
• 5:30 – Social/Networking
• 6:15 – Dinner
• 6:30 – Presentation


Hotel Renovo
11167 Hickman Rd.
Urbandale, IA 50322


Speaker Bio:

Ghassan F. ElKhatib P.E.

Ghassan received a bachelor’s degree in Architecture Engineering with emphasis in HVAC from the University of Kansas, and has been a consulting Mechanical Engineer for over 14 years with past PE Registrations in over forty (40) States.  Ghassan has experience with a broad spectrum of mechanical systems, and is currently a Business Development Manager (System Application Specialist) for AirFixture, a manufacturer of Under Floor Air Distribution (UFAD) products that are distributed through Johnson Controls and installed in over 110 million square feet worldwide.

Abstract for Presentation:

Lessons learned and best practices based on millions of SQFT of UFAD projects.

Recommendations to properly design, construct, commission and maintain a modern UFAD System.


Free for ASHRAE Iowa members
$20 for non-members
Always free for students

Social Sponsor

Mechanical Sales


Registration is open now – it will close on January 16th so we can get food counts turned in.

Please register online if you are attending.

Links for related information (when available):

January IowaStalks Newsletter – pdfhtml

Sign In Sheets
