Wednesday March 20, 2019
- 1:00 – 1:30: Registration
- 1:30 – 2:30: Session #1 – ASHRAE Standard 189.1 and the International Green Construction Code
- 2:30 – 2:45: Break
- 2:45 – 3:45: Session #2 – CO2 Monitoring for Outdoor Airflow and Demand-Controlled Ventilation
- 3:45 – 4:00: Break
- 4:00 – 5:00: Session #3 – Thermal Comfort as Related to Energy Consumption: What is the Balance
- 5:00 – 6:00: Social Hour
Marriott Downtown Des Moines
700 Grand Ave
Des Moines, IA 50309
Tom Lawrence, Ph.D., P.E.
University of Georgia
Session #1 – ASHRAE Standard 189.1 and the International Green Construction Code
ASHRAE, in conjunction with the U.S. Green Building Council and the Illumination Engineers Society, developed Standard 189.1 for the Design of High Performance Green Buildings with the initial release occurring in 2010. The Standard provides the minimum requirements for a high-performance green building, and was developed with the intent to provide a balance of environmental factors involved with designing, building, and planning for the operation of buildings. Since the initial release, the Standard has continually evolved as a result of changes in the industry and in relation to other Standards such as 90.1 This session provides a detailed summary of the key changes that are being incorporated in the release of the 2017 version of Standard 189.1 and how this Standard will relate to the International Green Construction Code with the 2018 code cycles revisions.
Session #2 – CO2 Monitoring for Outdoor Airflow and Demand-Controlled Ventilation
A number of programs and standards that exist for buildings today specify the use of outdoor air monitoring. Monitoring is to be done either based on CO2 levels in the occupied space or actual measurement of outdoor airflow, depending on the space design occupancy and ventilation type (mechanical or natural). Current standards or program descriptions do not provide detailed guidance for determining what level of CO2 should be considered the maximum concentration to expect, and those that do provide guidance are generally based on a single value above the ambient concentration. This session describes how to determine a level for CO2 concentrations for an outdoor airflow monitoring program or as part of the upper control limit for a demand-controlled ventilation system.
Session #3 – Thermal Comfort as Related to Energy Consumption: What is the Balance?
Maintaining thermal comfort within an occupied building requires energy, thus optimized solution methods for balancing energy use with indoor environmental quality (adequate thermal comfort, lighting, etc.) are needed. Current building temperature control systems do not adequately take in account the adaptive capability of the occupants, but this concept can be used advantageously during implementation of demand response. Demand response programs commonly include temporary adjustments to space temperature set points and thus can affect the occupants’ thermal comfort perceptions. How to balance out the overall energy consumption and peak demand for cooling or heating within buildings with the need for maintaining adequate thermal comfort in the built environment is an issue important to system designers, building operators and society as a whole. This session provides an overview of the historical development of thermal comfort perception, the two primary approaches used to predict and evaluate thermal comfort, and how these are incorporated in ASHRAE Standard 55. Also covered is a discussion of how thermal comfort considerations can be factored into demand response measures, addressing the conflicting balance between energy consumption and thermal comfort, and a vision on how to possibly achieve an overall optimized balance.
Each Session is worth 1 PDH.
Free for ASHRAE Iowa members
$20 per session for non-members
Social Sponsor
Registration is open now – it will close on March 13th. Please note, when you register, you need to register for each session you plan on attending. You can not just sign up for one and assume you will go to all three. We need to make sure we have accurate counts to make sure we have room capacity.
Please register online if you are attending.
Links for related information (when available):
March IowaStalks Newsletter – pdf – html
Sign In Sheets
Session #1
Session #2
Session #3
ASHRAE Standard 189.1 and the International Green Construction Code
CO2 Monitoring for Outdoor Airflow and Demand-Controlled Ventilation
Thermal Comfort as Related to Energy Consumption: What is the Balance?